Campaign Testimonials

We're proud of the work that we've done by providing pro-bono support for libraries at the ballot box and through our support of local, state, and federal actions for libraries. But you don't have to take our word for it.

"Great Falls Public Library passed a major Library Levy in a special election that increased funding for Library services in Cascade County from $1.5 million to $2.7 million. EveryLibrary's assistance was a crucial ingredient in the successful Levy effort. They helped us get the measure on the ballot, and provided a ready-to-launch website and on-the-spot advice for every minor crisis.  We recommend that any public Library considering a mill levy campaign build a partnership with EveryLibrary."

- Susie McIntyre, Director, Great Falls (MT) Public Library, June 2023 levy win

"We are finally the declared winner in our hard-fought battle to create the Boulder Public Library District, after a nail-biting week. We started at 4% behind (with the local paper calling the race against us) and ended up 6 percent ahead. We could not have done it without you! EveryLibrary's support during those first two years was essential - we followed your structure and game plan from the get-go. Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
Joni Teter, Boulder Library Champions, November 2022 district measure win
"We have EveryLibrary to thank for helping to convince our City Councilors to put a library funding measure on the ballot for voters to approve. One of the Council's primary objections was that they didn't have enough time to figure out how to convince voters to approve the ballot measure. It was only after our testimony that the library campaign committee had already made great progress in designing the campaign elements, due to the advice received from EveryLibrary, that the Councilors finally approved putting the library measure on the next ballot. The Mayor mentioned after the Council meeting that having support from EveryLibrary swayed her vote to a "Yes." Thanks, EveryLibrary!"

- BJ Toewe, Keizer (OR) Community Library Board, November 2022 city fee for library


"EveryLibrary's unique role as the national political action committee for libraries was vitally important in the New Orleans Library campaign. They came in with advice, support, and guidance at critical points in the campaign. We would not have been successful in moving forward together without EveryLibrary's partnership."

- Dixon Stetler, Co-Chair, Yes for NOLA Libraries 2021 Campaign Committee - December 2021 millage renewal win


"We asked EveryLibrary to help us with our successful November 2021 election where 71% of Little Rock voters approved an additional millage for operations. EveryLibrary trained our staff on proper, lawful ways to educate our patrons and raise their awareness about the issues compelling the request for more money. With their guidance, we were able to find an appropriate way of talking about the facts that reminded patrons of the implications for the library in both the context of failure and passage of the millage without telling them how to vote. This was an approach our library staff had not tried in earlier elections."

- Nate Coulter, Executive Director, Central Arkansas Library System (CALS) - November 2021 operating levy win  

“I have been involved in other types of campaigns but EveryLibrary brought great knowledge on what was unique about Library Bond elections. We were victorious on the second try with 78% yes votes. EveryLibrary helped us figure out the roles of the city, library foundation, and Yes committee that allowed us all to do our distinct work effectively."

Bill Thomas, Chair of Vote Yes McCall Library Expansion Bond - May 2021 building bond win

"Running a campaign during a pandemic is no easy task, and when our primary was postponed, the EveryLibrary team was there to help us along. We failed a renewal levy in the November 2019 General Election (49/51) and passed the same renewal initiative in the March 2020 Primary Election (61/39). Their advice during our successful campaign was critical."

- Brock Hutchinson, Director, Louisville (OH) Public Library - May 2020 win

"Our library successfully passed our 2020 library referendum during the pandemic. EveryLibrary's expert advice was insightful and very effective. From working with the library team on all phases of our campaign to our educational messaging and work with our community advocacy group, the communication process was rock solid, allowing us to receive important information when we needed it most."

- Denise Raleigh, Public Relations & Development Division Chief, Gail Borden Public Library District - March 2020 referendum win

"Thank you for answering our questions, listening to our concerns, and for giving us the best directions to start [the campaign]. Without your help, we couldn’t have made the “yes” vote." 

 Southwest LaPlata (CO) Library District Committee – November 2019 district referendum win

“Researching the nuts and bolts of how the ballot works was relatively easy, but support from EveryLibrary was critical to devising a winning campaign strategy. They provided support and guidance every step of the way, from logistics to software to moral support. The seasoned professionals at EveryLibrary were especially helpful to us as first-time campaigners in deciding where to allot our limited resources.”

– Hatboro Yes Committee  – Union Library Company of Hatboro (PA) – May 2019 library tax win

The guidance EveryLibrary provided to staff and trustees on Information Only Campaigns, messaging, and the process was invaluable to us. All the more so because it was provided pro-bono. Their personal engagement helped allay fears and reassure us along the way, too. Thanks to EveryLibrary you for the great work you do for libraries.

 Jeannie Dilger, Executive Director, Palatine (IL) Public Library District – April 2019 operating referendum win

"I’ve led successful millage campaigns at three different libraries, each time with a higher level of complexity and higher stakes.  I combined EveryLibrary’s research-based approach with my past experience to garner a 2/3 majority victory for the Ypsilanti District Library, winning every voting precinct.  In-person sessions with the EveryLibrary team energized our staff and Board, our advocacy team benefitted from virtual training, and a wealth of online tools provided great ideas. EveryLibrary is the campaign resource public libraries have needed for years."

Lisa Hoenig, Director, Ypsilanti (MI) District Library - November 2018 levy win

“I can’t express enough how grateful I am on behalf of the patrons, staff, and trustees of the Simon Fairfield Public Library for EveryLibrary’s assistance and their donation. We had 6 weeks to do what everyone said was impossible, and it came down to a mere 12 votes. Without their guidance on this, there is no doubt in my mind it would have failed.”

– Justin Ray Snook, Director, Simon Fairfield Public Library in Douglas, MA. – May 2018 town lift win

“The smartest thing I did with this campaign was to contact you and ask for your help!!!! It was a pleasure working with EveryLibrary. They were a GREAT support!” 

 Brenda Crider, Director, Bucyrus Public Library – May 2018 levy win

“Our little library has come a long way and would not still be in business if it were not for EveryLibrary. For the first time in decades, the library is on solid financial ground and becoming the shining jewel it was meant to be in our community. We are so grateful for your guidance as we approached our district referendum.”

 The Board of Trustees and Staff, Potomac (IL) Public Library – March 2018 district referendum win

“EveryLibrary provided us with training that helped us develop messages about our new building proposal and understand how to most effectively prioritize our efforts to get those messages out into our community. The team effort resulted in our library’s story having a strong presence during the campaign and a 62% favorable vote on Election Day, and those strategies we learned through the campaign are continuing to serve us well as we seek to keep our community informed as we finish planning and begin building our new library. We are so grateful for the passion and dedication EveryLibrary brings to their work.” 

 Adrienne Furness, Director, Henrietta (NY) Public Library – November 2017 building bond win

"EveryLibrary was instrumental in giving a coordinated voice to our advocates. Clear messaging was important and having everyone use the same keywords was pivotal for us. Our folks can go rogue and ask for much more than we need and that confuses our representatives - so fine-tuning the message and practicing with them made all the difference - being coached gave them confidence and kept them on track.”

- Jo Giudice, Director, Dallas Public Library - November 2017 building bond


“Thank you so much for your assistance to the Friends of the Mary Esther Public Library and our library during our recent budget crisis. Your ‘Rapid Response’ turbocharged our public outreach allowing us to get useable signatures and support to our city council members. Having your help every step of the way – and on such short notice – was key to a successful outcome!”

 Michelle Richie, President, Friends of the Mary Esther (FL) Library – August 2017 lobbying campaign

“EveryLibrary helped us to create a message that resonated with our conservative community, and during the height of our campaign when we started to see some opposition take shape, it was comforting to know we had an expert in library campaigns that we could reach out to anytime.”

 Katy Pattison, Assistant Director, Christian County Library – August 2017 Levy Renewal win

“EveryLibrary provided Mid-Continent Public Library with an extraordinarily valuable service. Coming off of our 50th Anniversary and a National Medal, we believed we had a good public standing, but the Library hadn’t been before the voters in almost three decades. EveryLibrary provided assurance that we would do things the right way and we would use our recent successes to build a solid and successful campaign. The expertise they provide on how to run an ethical and effective informational campaign was pivotal for us in getting out into our community and providing facts about what the future looks like with and without our levy increase. Every Library also helped a citizen led “Yes” Committee form, grow, and then thrive. On a personal level, I am more sane today because EveryLibrary helped keep us grounded and focused throughout a process that provides plenty of opportunity for distraction and despair. Thank you to the EveryLibrary team, on behalf of MCPL and the hundreds of thousands of Library users who will benefit from this successful campaign.”

– Jim Staley, Community Relations and Planning Director, Mid-Continent Public Library (MO) – November 2016 levy win

"EveryLibrary helped guide our staff, the board and especially me, as the library director, through a difficult campaign and enabled us to run an energized, informative and well-organized campaign through best practices, sage advice and a little hand-holding. They also kickstarted our fundraising drive for the Campaign Committee with a generous donation, which we were able to build upon to get the donations we needed from local developers, citizens and organizations to purchase the yard signs, mailings and marketing pieces we needed to sufficiently get the word out to the community." 

– Hollie Teasdale, Lyons Township (MI) – August 2016 levy loss

“EveryLibrary provided our staff, managers, board and my marketing department with training to guide our informational campaign. EveryLibrary also provided training and ongoing support to a new citizen’s group in our community that raised tens of thousands of dollars to fund a separate persuasive campaign. It was priceless to have support from EveryLibrary on both campaigns so that staff members never felt they were crossing a line with our informational campaign in order to liaise with the community group. EveryLibrary played that role for us, and more – with excellence – for free. I can’t say ‘Thank You’ enough for their support.”

– Sara DeVries, Community Relations Manager, Herrick District Library (Holland, MI) – August 2016 levy win

“I am so grateful for the help and support my library system received from EveryLibrary. You helped us to keep on track with what to focus on at various times leading up to the election, plus gave us excellent advice at various junctures based on your broad experience with, and understanding of, library ballot initiatives. Surely there are some library directors who really thrive on politics and campaigning, but I’m willing to venture that many more are like me: I’m a librarian because I love libraries, I’m a director because I can manage a department and can passionately advocate for libraries, but I’m not a politician. I feel out of my element when it comes to larger political initiatives with so much at stake. EveryLibrary helped me to bridge that gap and feel more confident in the decisions I was making. Thank you so very much.”

– Laura Pappani, Director, Nevada County (CA) Community Library – November 2016 Win

“Since the inception of our campaign in the fall of 2015, EveryLibrary provided critical support both financially and with information to help us make this campaign successful. There have been some unusual challenges along the way but you have provided us an excellent road map to keep us moving forward and staying on course. It was always reassuring to draw on your experience from other communities when we changed directions in the campaign. We appreciate the time you spent with the committee on the phone and through emails in planning the campaign and sharing your technical expertise.”

 Bill Boies, Chair of the Vote Yes Committee for Moniteau County Libraries – April 2016 levy win

“Thanks to you for your time and expertise. I went back to my notes from your visit more times than I can count. We didn’t execute perfectly by any means. But without your counsel, we would have either been completely lost or we would have been pushed into a campaign we weren’t proud of. Today we not only savor victory, but our dignity and institutional honor are intact.”

 Mary Gail Coffee, Director of Community Relations, Winter Park Public Library – March 2016 bond measure win

“On behalf of the Millbrook Library Board of Trustees and Staff, thank you for the support and guidance you provided US during the 414 campaign. Having no prior experience with the 414 process, we relied heavily on the advice you provided. Your insights expertise was invaluable as we navigated this process.  We are so pleased by the outcome, particularly, that we received almost 71% of the vote! The library board and staff look forward to continuing our mission of providing our community with a vibrant, life-long learning center. Thank you for your assistance in making that happen!”

– Margot Peter, Treasurer, and Kerry Weller, President, Board of Trustees, The Millbrook Library  – August 2015 budget vote win

“With the guidance provided by EveryLibrary, the Coalition to Save Our Libraries in Miami-Dade County was born, resulting in a grassroots effort that ended four years of consecutive and crippling budget reductions; closed a $30 million budget shortfall; prevented further layoffs; provided a slight funding increase for new materials, programs, technology upgrades and expanded operating hours at some locations; and created a solid foundation upon which to build.  Without the support of EveryLibrary, none of this would have been possible.  Thank you for the assistance, direction, and input you provided during our advocacy efforts to support the Miami-Dade County Public Library System.”

 John Quick, President (2013-2014), Friends of the Miami-Dade County Libraries – Co-Chair of Coalition to Save Our Libraries

“Your early donation was extremely important.  It not only provided us with important seed money but also set an example of supporting the measure in our communities.  EveryLibrary’s phone calls and emails throughout the campaign were very helpful, and I always knew you were quickly available to answer the numerous questions I had.  As a result of the choice [EveryLibrary] made to support us with advice and money, and the support of so many people and voters, South Lake Tahoe is now assured of a fully staffed, high quality public library open five days a week.”

– Kay Henderson, Chair, Committee for the South Lake Tahoe Library – June 2014 Parcel Tax win

“When I heard about our library bond measure I immediately thought of EveryLibrary. You helped us tell our story the right way. The knowledge, confidence and structure EveryLibrary provided was a big part of our campaign’s success.”

 Ed Garcia, Director, Cranston (RI) Public Library, November 2014 remodeling Bond win

“Thank you for all your assistance with the campaign. Scenic Regional appreciates your support. The Facebook campaign was great and was something that we wouldn’t have done without your help (or to that scale). With as close as the election was in Franklin County, it was probably a difference-maker.”

– Steven Campbell, Director, Scenic Regional Library (MO) - April 2014 new levy win

“Thanks to EveryLibrary’s generous donation, Yes to Libraries, Yes to Monroeville had the opportunity to amplify the story of the Monroeville Public Library. The donation enabled the committee to peel back the community’s misconception of libraries being obsolete. Although, the overall outcome was not in our favor, I believe a new conversation emerged of how much the Monroeville Public Library provides to its community through its wealth of programs, book selection, and knowledgeable staff. The EveryLibrary donation helped breathe new life into our voter conversations, during a time when our initiative needed it most. We are so grateful for EveryLibrary’s dedication to the Monroeville Public Library and libraries across our nation.” 

– Terrina Gogue, Campaign Manager, Yes to Monroeville - May 2014 loss

“I am so unbelievably grateful for the help and support I was given by EveryLibrary. They got the word out at such a crucial point in the election, which is why our fight went national and then international.”

–  Laura Sanders, Director, Lafourche Parish (LA) Public Library - November 2013 measure to defund part of the library millage

“EveryLibrary is an organization that is truly making a difference for libraries and for those who depend on them.”

 Pat Partovi, Director, Spokane (WA) Public Library - February 2013 new levy win